Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week Nine: Chapter Eighteen Summary

Industry & Empire
-Industrial Revolution's productivity of technology & Europe's growing affluence created need for lots of raw materials & agricultural products

  • need to sell its own products
  • investors found it profitable to invest their money abroad
    • social benefits in foreign markets
-Imperialism promised to solve class conflicts while avoiding revolutions or serious redistribution of wealth
  • mass nationalism -> competitive international relations
    • appeared on economic & social grounds/politically & strategically necessary in international power politics
  • overseas expansion more desirable [Suez Canal]
-I.R. changed the way they viewed themselves & others
  • Euros thought they were the best/powerful -> opinions of other culture dropped
  • Chinese: highly praised -> weak, cunning, conservative, distinct threat
  • Africans: nations & kings -> tribes led by chief to emphasize "primitive" qualities
  • used modern science [largest skulls] declared Euros more advanced
  • hierarchy of race
    • Euros had responsibility to civilize "inferior races"
    • Misapplied "social Darwinism"
A Second Wave of European Conquests
-focused in Asia & Africa/new players: Germany, Belgium, US, Japan
-Euros had military & firepower advantage [Maxim guns] & won
  • virtually everyone in large/complex civilizations of India & Southeast Asia lost political sovereignty, freedom of action, became subjects of Euro. colonial state
-"Scramble for Africa"
  • Euro. powers fought one another in only 25yrs
  • lots of negotiations & bloody military action
  • French: W. Africa (16yrs/village-by-village); British: S. Africa (Boer War against Zulu)
  • South Pacific (Australia & New Zealand) conquered by large settlement & diseases -> reduced natives ->became "neo-European"
-U.S. policy of removing Natives to "reservations" = "civilize" & eradicate tribal life & culture
-Ethiopia & Siam(Thailand) avoided colonization
  • Ethiopia expanded empire/defeat Italy in Battle of Adowa
-countries sought to enlist Euros. w/ own struggles for power, play off imperial powers against one another, used military action, fight v. futile, negotiated for some independence
Under European Rule
Cooperation & Rebellion
-men found employment, status, & security in Euro. armed forces
  • elite family members retained status & wealth
-Euro. education member served colonial state, businesses, teachers, etc./higher education became lawyers, doctors, etc. -> depended class at the expense of the more traditional elites
-Indian Rebellion(1857-1858): military cartridge smeared w/ cow & pig fate angered Muslim & Hindus to believe a plot to render them defiled & to convert to Christianity

  • a mutiny among Indian troops in Bengal triggered the rebellion -> spread to other regions of the colony and other social groups
  • some rebel leaders said it was an effort to revive an almost-vanished Mughal Empire
  • mad British more conservative & cautious about changing Indian society
    • convinced to assume direct control over India, ending the era of British East India Company rule in the subcontinent
Colonial Empires with a Difference
-"scientific racism": prominence of race in distinguishing rulers and ruled, Europe coincided with the acquisition of Asian & African colonies
-science & literary studies were inappropriate for the "primitive mind" of "natives"

  • Euros. didn't want even the highest ranks of Asians or Africans
-South Africa: large population of Euros. and Africans = racial fears -> efforts to establish race as a legal feature of S.A. society
  • separate "homelands", education, public facilities, etc. = apartheid
  • wanted economy based off cheap labor w/o African social & political integration
-colonial states were able to penetrate the societies they governed
-Euros. now also created very different way of life, from their own modern transformations
-collect info. on people, "scientifically" organize it, & use to manage societies they governed
  • India: British found caste system -> invented a Brahmin version of "traditional India'" that they wanted preserve/scorning "non-Indian" (new elite) educated in Euro. schools & enthusiastic about western ways of life"
  • Africa: "tribal Africa"-Euros. identified and/or invented distinct tribes w/ own language, territory, customs, & chief -> made African societies more manageable
-gender ideology & race prejudice
  • native men were "feminine", guarded Eur. women, took some men from tribes who were "masculine" -> in British military
-Euros. policies contradicted their own core values & their practices at home
  • colonies were essentially dictatorships
  • empires were at odds of Euro. national independence
  • ranked racial classifications were against Christian/Enlightenment's human equality
-"detribalization" would encourage unrest and challenge colonial rule
  • preferred "traditional" rural society w/ abuses of slavery & sati (widow burning)

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